Various public resources, publications, and articles on the topics of culture, race, and identity and education
An infographic designed by the ACCT Foundation defining prejudice, stereotyping, racism and discrimination.
Author: ACCT Foundation
A video promoting ACT2endracism on what to do when you or someone is targeted by racism. Discusses the 5D’s in response to observing an act of hate: delay, document, direct approach, delegate, and distract. Resources for reporting an incident are also provided.
Author: Christine Cheung – ACCT Foundation
A comic by ACCT and ACT2endracism on what to do when you or someone around you is a target of racism. It summarizes the video “Act to End Racism How to be a Public Bystander” in comic format and discusses the 5Ds in response to observing an act of hate: delay, document, direct approach, delegate, and distract. Resources for reporting an incident are also provided. Translations provided for traditional and simplified Chinese, Korean, Filipino, and Vietnamese.
Author: Christine Cheung – ACCT Foundation
Original comic in English
Comic in Traditional Chinese
Comic in Simplified Chinese
Comic in Korean
Comic in Tagalog
Comic in Vietnamese
A comic by the ACCT and ACT2endracism on what to do when you or someone is targeted by racism. 5 steps/options are discussed. Summarizes the video “What can you do when you targeted by racism?” and provides resources for reporting an incident. Translations are provided for simplified and traditional Chinese, Korean, Filipino, and Vietnamese.
Author: Christine Cheung – ACCT Foundation
Original Comic in English
Comic in Traditional Chinese
Comic in Simplified Chinese
Comic in Korean
Comic in Tagalog
Comic in Vietnamese
A video promoting ACT2endracism on what to do when you or someone is targeted by racism. 5 steps are outlined and resources are provided for reporting an incident.
Author: Christine Cheung – ACCT Foundation
A video by the ACCT and ACT2endracism on what to do if you experience racism in a school setting.
Author: Christine Cheung – ACCT Foundation
A comic by the ACCT and ACT2endracism on what to do if you experience racism in school. Summarizes the video “What you and your friends can do if you experience racism at school?” and provides a definition of what a micro-aggression is. Resources to report a racist incident is also provided. Translations are provided for simplified and traditional Chinese, Filipino, Korean, and Vietnamese.
Author: Christine Cheung – ACCT Foundation
Original Comic in English
Comic in Traditional Chinese
Comic in Simplified Chinese
Comic in Korean
Comic in Tagalog
Comic in Vietnamese
A comic by the ACCT and ACT2endracism for seniors on what to do if they do not speak English and experience racism. The comic discusses strategies including body language, making noise, walk away, approach others, record, talk, and report. Resources to report a racist incident is provided. Translations are provided for simplified and traditional Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese.
Author: Christine Cheung – ACCT Foundation
Original Comic in English
Comic in Traditional Chinese
Comic in Simplified Chinese
Comic in Korean
Comic in Vietnamese
A document compiled by Ishiyama on what to do when facing racism. 11 categories of responses to racism described and examples are provided. The categories include: assertive interruptions, express personalized emotional reactions, call it racism or discrimination, disagree, question the validity of the statement, point out the hurtful and offensive nature, put the offender on the spot, confront empathetically, approach and support the victim, approach externals, and approach co-witnesses.
Author: Ishiyama, I. – University of British Columbia
Original Document
Document in Traditional Chinese
Document in Simplified Chinese
Infographic by the ACCT defining what microaggressions are. The graphic goes in depth on the different types of microaggressions and provides examples. Translations are provided for simplified and traditional Chinese.
Author: ACCT Foundation
Infographic by the ACCT defining what information hygiene is and how to practice it. Specifically, information hygiene refers to the personal tools and skills used to evaluate information we consume and spread.
Author: ACCT Foundation
Infographic by the ACCT defining what hate crimes are, the difference between hate crimes and hate incidents, examples of hate crimes, and the impact they have on the victim and community. Resources are provided regarding the Criminal Code of Canada, as well as how to report a hate crime.
Author: ACCT Foundation
Access Infographic
The culture of every school is unique and exclusive to just their setting. A school’s culture evolves over time and it is the responsibility of the school’s leaders to understand it, cultivate it, change it if necessary, work within it, and negotiate it. The culture of a Chinese-Canadian bilingual program can be more distinctive and therefore complex to negotiate by school leaders as stakeholders have culturally and linguistically based expectations of the program that are linked to their own ancestral and/or ethnic culture. It therefore becomes important for leaders of Chinese bilingual programs to understand these expectations and unique aspects of their school culture in order to succeed. The purpose of this study was to identify the components and influences of the school culture of a Chinese-Canadian bilingual program and how the leaders of this program negotiated these components and influences. This inquiry was done through a qualitative research approach that employed a bounded case study methodology. Data was gathered through an anonymous online questionnaire that was given to the parents and teachers of this Chinese bilingual program, as well as through the review of school documents that were available to the public, and from drawing on personal experiences. The findings of this inquiry determined that the leaders of the Chinese Bilingual program must address the funds of knowledge of the parents, teachers, and of themselves. They do so by drawing on the properties of funds of knowledge, culturally responsive leadership, and linguistically responsive leadership, which in turn contribute to strengthening relational trust, shared leadership, and instructional leadership.
Author: Christine Cheung
Access Article
Article discussing the controversy with a school district in Washington that excluded Asians from “students of color” in a performance report. Asians were instead grouped with White students.
Author: Carl Samson
Publication: NextShark
Access Article
Article that discusses microaggressions and insecurities faced by Asian Americans growing up, and how The Asian-American Foundation (TAAF) was putting $250 million USD to address long-standing problems faced by Asian- American and Pacific Islander communities.
Author: Kok Xinghui & Sen Nguyen
Publication: South China Morning Post
Access Article
Article discussing the explorASIAN festival. The festival this year discussed the Model Minority Myth and the importance of history education of people of colour in Canada.
Author: Xi Chen
Publication: The Source
Access Article
Article on a bill passed in the Illinois lower house requiring public schools to teach Asian-American history in public schools. The bill has been promoted by the advocacy group Asian Americans Advancing Justice since early 2020 and has increased in popularity following the attacks on Asian women in Atlanta.
Author: Nathan Layne
Publication: Reuters
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Article discussing how Illinois has become the first state to mandate Asian American history to be part of its public school curriculum beginning in the 2022-23 school year. Schools will teach the contributions of Asian American communities to the economic, cultural, social, and political development of the United States.
Author: Kimmy Yam
Publication: NBC News Asian America
Access Article
Article on the recent banning of critical race theory in Florida. This has been a trend across the country as more local boards of education and states are pushing against teaching the impact of systemic racism and critical race theory in schools.
Author: Leah Asmelash
Publication: CNN
Access Article
Article on an online reporting tool created by the Asian Pacific Policy and Planning Council as well as the Chinese for Affirmative Action for reporting discrimination. This information will be used to inform education/media campaigns and policies.
Author: Natasha Roy
Publication: NBC News Digital
Access Article
Slideshow on data gathered by the Canadian Race Relations Foundation and the Association for Canadian Studies on issues of racism and discrimination. Shows trends and attitudes of the population (sample of 1479 Canadians) on various ethnic groups. Focused on Muslims, Asians, Jews and Aboriginal peoples.
Author: The Association for Canadian Studies and the Canadian Race Relations Foundation
Access Powerpoint
Book introducing the CRRF as well as a collection of articles spanning topics of immigration and nationalism, hate crime and inequality, and reconciliation.
Author: Canadian Race Relations Foundation
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Report on the research by Environics Institute and the Canadian Race Relations Foundation on attitudes towards immigration and multiculturalism. Surveys results were reported with relation to the topics of immigration and refugees, treatment of minorities, and muslims in Canada.
Author: Environics Institute for Survey Research and the Canadian Race Relations Foundation
Access Research Report
Report based on the findings from the Race Relations in Canada 2019 survey. The aim is for the findings of this report to be used by a variety of organizations and people. Researched topics in the survey includes the state of race relations in Canada, attitudes towards people of other racial groups, racial discrimination in Canada, and personal experiences with discrimination and racism.
Author: Environics Institute for Survey Research and the Canadian Race Relations Foundation
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Report promoting awareness of Canadian values and traditions, and our understanding of the Canadian identity. The report is meant to celebrate Canada’s diversity through examination of bilingualism and multiculturalism, attachment to Canada, attitudes toward religion, and youth.
Author: Canadian Race Relations Foundation
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A report that documents differences among racial groups regarding education, employment, and income. The information is intended to be used for future comparisons. Data is based on the 1996 Census and focus group discussions with minorities and Aboriginal people.
Author: Jean Lock Kunz, Anne Milan and Sylvain Schetagne
Publication: Canadian Council on Social Development
Access Research Report
The article discusses the value Asian Americans place on higher education. And how elite credentials (career in medicine, law, science, engineering) is seen to safeguard against discrimination in the labor market. The article also discusses how regardless of elite college statuses, Asian Americans are overall less likely to be promoted to managerial and executive ranks, and less likely to engage in civic activity.
Author: Jennifer Lee & Karthick Ramakrishnan
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An article from Education Canada Vol. 48 discussing racism in Canada’s past. Specifically, the article discusses related concepts of racism and how they manifest into a hidden curriculum in educational settings to maintain a discriminatory learning environment.
Author: Ratna Ghosh
The essay discusses marginalization of ethnoracial minorities in Canadian schools as a result of personal attitudes, interpersonal interactions and institutionalized structures, policies, and practices, and the power differentials. Analysis is done through the antiracist education approach, an approach that focuses on recognizing the social and political significance of race and acknowledges the existence of inequitable power relations and interactions at the interpersonal and institutional levels.
Author: Hieu Van Ngo
Infographic debunking the model minority myth and how it skews the public perception of Asian Canadians and employment.
Author: ACCT Foundation
A brochure by the ACCT Foundation that describes what racism and microaggressions are, the history of racism in Canada, its impact on mental health, and how to start the conversation with children.
Author: ACCT Foundation & ACT2EndRacism
Opinion piece discussing how many states are considering laws to ban the teaching of critical race theory in public schools. The author explains that CRT is not a racist ideology and is not taught in public schools, and that right-wing media has branded all reform efforts in education and employment as CRT. The author also explains what CRT actually is.
Author: Gary Peller
Publication: Politico Magazine
Article on how the Manitoba Junior Hockey League says that they will introduce anti-racism education and punish discrimination.
Author: Nicholas Frew
Publication: CBC News
Article on how an Asian American woman has become a target of racist attacks after applauding “Middle Eastern peers”. Her speech addressed the struggles faced by Asian Americans and other minorities.
Author: Editorial Staff of NextShark
Publication: NextShark
An article discussing Larry Itliong, a Filipino American who was a key figure of the Asian American movement. The article describes his history and how his actions has been lost in history until recent.
Author: Ryan General
Publication: NextShark
Access Opinion Piece
Building Logic Models: A Standard Planning Tool To Design & Manage Community Activities
Presented by Paul Holley, PhD
Research Director of ACS-Metropolis Institute & Lead Evaluator for:
“Building Anti-Racism Capacity through Mental Health Research, Resources and Training”
June 28, 2022
Author: Dr. Paul Holley