The ACENet presentation ‘Asian Canadian Perspectives: A Resource for Educators’ is approved for recording and posting to the ACT2EndRacism website, based on a collaborative agreement and these conditions:
Recognition Rights:Asian Canadian Perspectives: A Resource for Educators was developed by ACENet and ALPHA Education.
Property & Distribution Rights:Asian Canadian Perspectives: A Resource for Educators is the property of ACENet and ALPHA Education, for distribution to the public and downloadable via the ACENet and/or ALPHA Education websites for educational use only.
ACENet and ALPHA Education have joint ownership of Asian Canadian Perspectives: A Resource for Educators. As such, this document is not to be posted on any other websites. For any other organization to do so, would require a written approval submitted to and approved by both organizations.
Thank you to our Funders
Community Consultation and Recommendation Briefs
ACCT Publications
The ACCT Foundation works with experts in research and academia to identify and develop resources to support Chinese Canadian leaders in the community. From backgrounders to literature reviews to infographics, these resources are free to use and meant to create more context and awareness.
How to be a Public Bystander
What can you do when you are targeted by racism
What to do if you are a senior citizen, speak no english and experience racism.
What you and your friends can do if you experience racism at school?
Role Play Scripts
To engage discussion/start conversations on: microaggressions, the importance of reporting racism, and talking to kids about racism