Anti-Asian Racism Resources - Korean

ACCT Publications

알아 두세요...
암묵적 편견 이해하기
조직적 인종차별
편견, 고정관념, 인종주의, 차별대우
미묘한 차별: 우회적 인종차별의 표출
정보 위생 실천 방법
황인종으로 인한 화/재앙(황화) 에 대한 역사적 발자취


How to be a Public Bystander
What can you do when you are targeted by racism

What to do if you are a senior citizen, speak no english and experience racism.

What you and your friends can do if you experience racism at school?

Role Play Scripts

To engage discussion/start conversations on: microaggressions, the importance of reporting racism, and talking to kids about racism

Role Play Script 1

Role Play Script 2

Role Play Script 3